We Value Full Devotion to Christ and His Cause.
We believe that whole-hearted devotion to Jesus Christ is the biblical norm for the believer. Full devotion should be expected of and encouraged by every believer in the local assembly.
We Value Biblical Teaching and Preaching
We endeavor to teach and preach God’s Word with integrity and in a manner that is encouraging as well as relevant. Our hope is for all who congregate to have a meaningful experience wherein they can not only count on hearing Biblically accurate sermons but to be afforded the opportunity to attend Bible study classes where the same truth is faithfully taught.
We Value Authentic Worship
We acknowledge that God is worthy of our worship and the primary responsibility of the individual and church is to worship God in spirit and truth. We believe worship involves the entire person: spirit, body, emotions, intellect, and will. We also believe that worship is a lifestyle of obedience, not simply a once-a-week experience.
We Value Discipleship
We believe that Christ’s followers should strive for continuous spiritual growth through godly relationships. It is the responsibility of the local assembly to present everyone mature in Christ.
We Value Prayer
We rely on private and corporate prayer in order to fulfill God’s purposes for the church and our lives. We also believe that our church has a responsibility to pray for all in our community as well as to offer regular prayers for the advancement of God’s Kingdom, worldwide.
We Value Genuine and Authentic Community
We exist to serve all in our community. We also expect each member of our local assembly to engage in activities that foster a community spirit. It is our hope that God will use our space as a “central” gathering place for all in our community to congregate. Such gatherings may not always be religious in nature, such as in times of crisis or natural disaster, wherein our church house can be used as a shelter, or for informational meetings.
We Value the Family
We affirm the value of family by providing ministries that produce healthy marriages, godly parents, and the spiritual development of children and youth.
We Value a Grace-Orientation to Ministry
We emphasize God’s unconditional acceptance and forgiveness through Christ and encourage our congregants to serve Him out of love and gratitude rather than guilt, duty, and obligation.
We Value People as God Values People
We believe that people are valuable to God and therefore valuable to us. We spend time and energy on that which we value, therefore, we should spend time and energy pursuing people as Christ did. Our responsibility is to be faithful in showing God’s love to people through caring relationships and to be ready to share the Gospel with them through a variety of methods as the Holy Spirit gives opportunity.
We Value Equipping and Mobilizing Members to Minister
We believe that everyone in the body of Christ has been uniquely designed to serve God. We believe that it is the responsibility of the church to equip, encourage, and actively help the individual believer find the place where God has designed him or her to serve in the body of Christ.
We Value Creativity and Innovation
We will constantly evaluate our forms and methods, seeking cultural relevance and maximum ministry effectiveness for Christ. We must understand our culture and minister the truth of God’s Word in the most effective way possible in our community and beyond.
We Value Ministry Excellence
Since God gave His best (Jesus, our Savior), we seek to honor Him by maintaining a high standard of excellence in our ministry, as a local church.
We Value Local, Domestic, and Foreign Missions
We believe that God has called the church to reach all people throughout the world and we will use whatever means possible to reach them with the saving message of Jesus Christ without compromising our integrity or our commitment to Biblical truth. At Central, we endeavor to faithfully support local missions as well as community programs which promote community. We also do our best to take a concentric approach wherein we can do our part to support efforts beyond our community.